Hi, I’m Mark Rushton, a recording artist and visual artist from Des Moines, Iowa.

As a recording artist, I work in the music genres of ambient, electronic, beats, chillout, downtempo, drone, noise, nature, and found sound, I have published over 3000 musical and other sound recordings. My music is on streaming and download services, and available in sync libraries and stock libraries. Find direct links on the Mark Rushton Music page.

As a visual artist, I produce ink and acrylic paintings as original wall art, prints, and merch, some of it from original photographs. I’ve created hundreds of original album and single covers for my music, and crafted over 30 original book covers for independent authors. Find direct links on the Mark Rushton Gallery page.

The Ambient Rushton Podcast has been produced since 2004.

I also do volunteer work at cemeteries - cleaning gravestones and markers.

In the past, I assisted with producing all 108+ episodes of the Boundoff literary podcast from 2005-2015.


email: markrushton@gmail.com

letters and packages: 430 Fifth St, Unit 65043, West Des Moines, Iowa, 50265

voicemail: 319-423-9003

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I'm a recording artist and visual artist, and I write about what I've been doing and where I'm going.


Mark Rushton is an ambient/electronic recording artist, field recorder, thermal print and ink artist, and gravestone cleaner.