Hi, this is Mark Rushton of markrushton.com Welcome back to my podcast of original ambient / electronic music and field recordings, and occasional talking about music and art. This is Podcast 159, released on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, and features music from my album Drifting 2.
Link to Drifting 2 on Spotify is in the description:
Mark Rushton = "Drifting 2" (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/album/1QXrWY3fsByTe6cz013zZp?si=esc4pXvITVGgvi84EjMzOw
Mark Rushton's web site: https://www.markrushton.com Follow Mark Rushton's music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3o7In5aHAnzK7WYGHY5Khx?si=zu2ZKsCCRvqmHhxgr_Z1nA Follow Mark Rushton's podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0d0LZjUpm94oCfIflAMyVP?si=TyN-dWIYSnKlyngziOoxvw RSS feed for the Ambient Rushton Podcast: http://ambient.libsyn.com/rss Mark Rushton's Paintings: https://www.markrushton.com/paintings Mark Rushton's web store: https://www.markrushton.com/store
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